A health and wellness blog about being mindful of your thoughts and well-being.

“I have always been passionate about learning and sharing my discoveries with others. By helping others, I become a better version of myself.”

Mindful Marie

Featured Blogs

Man, I Feel Like A Woman

It’s International Women’s Day and there is so much to celebrate. Read more about my favorite parts about being woman and what it means to embrace being underestimated.

My First Tony Robbins Experience

“Your destiny is shaped by your decisions, not your conditions,” Tony Robbins. Have you ever been to a Tony Robbins conference? If not, here is a taste of what his events consist of and what you learn throughout the process.


Intuition can serve in so many beneficial ways so why do we doubt ourselves? How do we know when our intuition is speaking to us?

Whether you are struggling with life’s challenges or just cruising along the journey, Mindful Marie is here to provide tips and tricks to living a more joyful and mindful life.